GSoC Week 4

This week I implemented evolution & risk metrics.

Meeting Summary

Date: NA

No meeting was held this week.

Work Done This Week

The following metrics were implemented:

  • Evolution
    • Issue Duration: returns the duration of all closed issues.
    • Issues Active: returns a timeseries of the number of issues active per period(day, week, month, year). In this implementation, an issue is considered active if a GitHub issue event occurs.
  • Risk
    • CII Best Practices Badge: returns the CII Best Practices Badge level.
    • Languages: returns the primary language of the repository. In this implementation, the primary language is fetched from the GitHub API.
    • License Declared: returns the declared license of the repository. In this implementation, the licenses are fetched from the badging data (CII Best Practices badge)

Pull Requests:

Challenges Encountered

There weren’t many challenges this week. It mostly involved exploring the Unified Augur Database & figuring out all the possible ways of implementing the various metrics.

Future Work

  • Focus on implementing issue related metrics.
  • Look at creating visualizations for the implemented metrics.
  • More future plans for next week to be decided in the next meeting on Monday, 24th June 2019.


192 Words

2019-06-23 23:39 +0530