GSoC Week 9
This week officialy marked the end of the second coding phase. Most of my work this week involved working on the Pull Request Worker
Meeting Summary
Date: Monday, 22nd July 2019
- @sgoggins cleared a few doubts I had regarding the Pull Request Worker
- Discussed creating new API endpoints that allow a user to add Repo-Groups and Repos to Augur. For example a POST request on
creates a Repo-Group & a POST request onrepos/
adds a repository and begins the data collection process.
Work Done This Week
Metrics Implemented:
- Reviews: Time series of the number of new reviews or pull requests opened within a certain period.
- Reviews Accepted: Time series of the number of accepted reviews or pull requests merged within a certain period.
- Reviews Declined: Time series of the number of declined reviews or pull requests closed within a certain period.
- Review Duration: Time since a Review or Pull Request is proposed until it is accepted.
GitHub Pull Requests Worker:
The Pull Request Worker now also gathers the following pull request data:- Labels
- Events
- Reviewers
- Assignees
- Comments
- PR Metadata (such as Head & Base details)
Pull Requests:
Challenges Encountered
- The main challenge for this week was debugging the Pull Request Worker. It required quite a bit of testing. The debugging process isn’t over yet. I plan to continue debugging the worker while working on implementing pull request related metrics.
Future Work
- Continue working on the Pull Request Worker.
- Implement Pull Request related metrics
- More future plans for next week to be decided in the next meeting on Monday, 29th July 2019.