GSoC Week 7

This week, I spent most of the time studying Augur’s worker architecture (broker & housekeeper) and refactoring the github repository metadata worker to integrate into Augur’s architecture.

Meeting Summary

Date: NA

No meeting was held this week.

Work Done This Week

  • GitHub Repository Metadata Worker:
    • Refactored the worker to work with the broker, i.e. allow the broker to send tasks to the worker. This allows you to manually send tasks to the worker.
    • Refactored the worker to work on scheduled tasks, i.e. allow housekeeper to schedule tasks for this worker. This allow you to schedule the worker to run periodically.
    • The worker is now fully functional and ready to be used.

Pull Requests:

Challenges Encountered

  • As you can see not a lot work was done this week as most of the time was spent studying how worker’s work in Augur. I spent quite a bit of time understanding the Broker and Housekeeper, how tasks are scheduled and how workers accept tasks from the Broker and process them.

Future Work

  • Begin work on the Pull Request Worker.
  • More future plans for next week to be decided in the next meeting on Monday, 15th July 2019.


201 Words

2019-07-14 22:59 +0530