GSoC Week 3
This week involved quite a bit of writing unit tests & documentation. It also involved reading and understanding a lot of Javascript for a better understanding of Augur’s frontend.
Meeting Summary
Date: Monday, 10th June 2019 \
- Develop unit tests for metric implementations & API endpoints.
- Write documentation for ‘Create a metric’.
- Start looking at developing the frontend for the metric implementations.
- Make changes to the frontend to be able to work with Augur’s new architecture & API endpoint scheme.
Work Done This Week
- Developed unit tests for the various metric implementations.
- Developed unit tests for the API endpoints.
- Updated ‘Create a Metric’ documentation by adding steps explaining how to implement a metric in the backend.
- Explored Augur’s frontend architecture.
Pull Requests:
Challenges Encountered
- Exploring Augur’s frontend was quite a challenge this week due to my lack of experience in Javascript & Vue.js. With help from everyone working on Augur, I was able to get a nice high-level overview of how the frontend works. I’m still working on getting a better understanding of Augur’s frontend & trying to get the metric implementations on to the frontend.
Future Work
- Get a better understanding of Augur’s frontend.
- Start developing the frontend for the metric implementations.
- More future plans for next week to be decided in the next meeting on Monday, 17th June 2019.